(408) 401-4051
Our Policies
Cancellation Fee:
If cancellation is within 24 hours of the scheduled appointment, the customer will be charged a $75 cancellation fee.
Cleaning Fee:
If the surface being worked on needs to be cleaned, the customer will be charged $100.00 per hour of our time. Please have your bath tub, tile, sink, or counter surface clean to avoid paying for cleaning.
Lien Filing Fee and Collection:
In the event that a mechanic’s lien is filed due to nonpayment, a lien filing fee of $350 will be added to the bill.
Strip Fee:
In the event that the owner of a previously refinished bathtub decides NOT to have us refinish the bathtub after we have stripped it, then the owner will be charged a fee of $500 for the bathtub stripping and $750 for tile wall stripping (40 sq. ft.) If you wish to ONLY have your bathtub stripped and NOT refinished, the cost is $500.